Searching on Social Media
Best practices for searching on Social Media.
Social Media - People Filters
Available Filters
Interested in Joining a Nonprofit Board
Interested in Volunteering
Pro Bono Consulting
Current Companies
Past Companies
Connection Degree
Connections of
Services Offered
First Name
Last Name
Services Offered
What are the most relevant lead filters for Social Media?
Keyword: Keyword searches are powerful because they pull from anywhere on the person's profile, such as title, headline, job description, skills or interests.
Title: Find decision makers or as a good proxy for buying power by searching by title.
Location: Target people in your local area.
Interested in Joining a Nonprofit Board: Board donors are typically the largest donors within an organization. There is native filter for people who want to join a board.
Pro bono Consulting: Find people want to give back by donating their talent.
Volunteering: Recruit volunteers from a list of people who have said they are interested in volunteering.
Employees within a Company: Start by doing a company search, and on the company page click view all employees.
What tips do you have for searching social media?
Find donors by searching for people in your area interested in joining a nonprofit board
Use the location filter and the joining a nonprofit board filter to search for major donors in your area.
Find community partners by searching for specific companies and viewing their employees
Instead of starting with a people search, you start with a company search to identify specific companies. Once you have found a company you want to ask to get involved as a community parter, navigate to their company page and search for their employees on social.
Recruit volunteers with the contact interest filter
Use the location filter and interested in volunteering filter to find local volunteers in your area ready to get involved.
What are Social Media's limitations?
Each search must contain a maximum of 1000 people on a free account.. A search larger than 1000 people will only result in the first 1000 contacts in the search, because socials only displays the first 100 pages of a search. Learn how to get around this limitation by splitting large searches into smaller ones.
Increase your limits by using Premium Social Media
You can increase the 1000 person per search to 2500 if you have a Premium Account
You can increase the 1000 person per search to 2500 if you have a Premium account. This gives you additional filters for deeper targeting and higher limits.
Filters available on Premium not available on Free
Search for contacts within specific groups
Company headcount
Technologies used on website
Search within custom account lists
Last updated
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